Tuesday, June 30, 2020

4 Reasons Why You Arent Hearing Back From Employers - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

4 Reasons Why You Arent Hearing Back From Employers - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Searching for a job can be a challenging process, especially when applying to dozens of companies and never hearing back. You’re taking tons of time to apply for these jobs, it’s frustrating to get silence in return! Why does this happen? Is it you, is it them, what could it be? Sometimes it is out of your control, but be sure you aren’t making these 4 mistakes in your job application below!  You Aren’t Qualified Sometimes we apply to jobs that are a little out of reach. If a job description asks for someone with 5+ years of experience and you’re entry level, it’s unlikely you will be called. Don’t feel down for not hearing back from a position where you lacked qualifications, it’s understandable. Typically employers and recruiters stick to the requirements they are seeking. The company is trying to find the most qualified candidate to fill the position. A Lengthy or Unpolished Resume Employers and recruiters spend less than a minute perusing your resume for key details and skills that reflect the qualifications necessary to fill the position. They also have hundreds to look through on a daily basis! Having a resume that is wordy and lengthy isn’t effective or easy to read through. Include your most relevant and recent experience that proves you are qualified for the specific job. The format should also be consistent and easy to read. Try using one of these templates if you’re looking to revamp your resume here. By doing this you can narrow it down to a page with the most important content! Your resume is also the first impression an employer has of you. Not only does your resume express your skills and experience, but it also demonstrates your attention to detail, writing skills, and professionalism. When an employer is presented with a resume that has spelling errors, grammar mistakes, or typos, it may set them off. Avoidable mistakes like these could cost you a job! Make sure you take the time to make sure it is pristine before submitting.  A Lack of Keywords Online job applications typically go through a process before even reaching a human! Your application is screened by software for specific keywords that match the qualifications and requirements mentioned in the job description. This is why your resume should be tweaked for each individual job that you apply for, making sure the keywords are targeted! Once the keywords are alerted, the application will move forward to a person from the company. It is important that you include these because if you don’t, an employer may be missing out on a great candidate (yourself)!  Your Social Media Presence With the rise of social media, potential employers are often checking up on your online presence. They’re reviewing your LinkedIn profile and your personal social media accounts. If you have public social media profiles, they need to be appropriate. When working for a company, you represent them when you’re both in and out of the office. They want a candidate who will be a positive reflection of the company. Always think before you post! If you’ve made sure you’re not making any of these common mistakes and still aren’t hearing back from an employer, there are a few proactive solutions. If it’s been over a week with no response, it is acceptable and encouraged to send a follow-up email to ensure that they received your application. Sometimes employers and recruiters get inundated with applications so following up once doesn’t hurt. This is a way to show that you are serious about applying for the position.

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